
  1. Okuyama T., D.X. Sato*, Y. Takahashi* (2024) Genetic heterogeneity induces nonadditive behavioural changes in Drosophila. bioRxiv

  2. Sato D.X.*, Y. Takahashi* (2024) Neurogenomic diversity enhances collective antipredator performance in Drosophila. bioRxiv

Peer-reviewed papers in international journals

  1. Hagihara H., H. Shoji, ..., D.X. Sato (125/131), ..., T. Miyakawa (2024) Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment. eLife

  2. Sato D.X.*, Y. Matsuda, N. Usio, R. Funayama, K. Nakayama, T. Makino* (2023) Genomic adaptive potential to cold environments in the invasive red swamp crayfish. iScience, 26(8):107267
    [Press Release: English/Japanese (Chiba Univ.)/Japanese (Tohoku Univ.)] [News Outlets : 環境展望台, PR TIMES, JIJI.COM, BIGLOBE ニュース, 日本経済新聞, Forbes JAPAN, Mirage News, EurekAlert!, Newswise, AZO Life Sciences, Global Aquaculture Alliance]

  3. Sato D.X., Y. U. Inoue, N. Kuga, S. Hattori, K. Nomoto, Y. Morimoto, G. Sala, H. Hagihara, T. Kikusui, T. Sasaki, Y. Ikegaya, T. Miyakawa, T. Inoue, M. Kawata (2022) Humanized substitutions of Vmat1 in mice alter amygdala-dependent behaviors associated with the evolution of anxiety. iScience, 25(8):104800
    [Press Release: English/Japanese] [News Outlets : The Print, Science Daily, Alpha Galileo, Science Daily, Neuroscience News, EurekAlert!, SWIFT TELECAST, LATESTLY, JAPAN HERALD]

  4. Chen J., H. Bi, M.E. Pettersson, D.X. Sato, A.P. Fuentes-Pardo, C. Mo, S. Younis, O. Wallerman, P. Jern, G. Molés, A. Gómez, G. Kleinau, P. Scheerer, L. Andersson (2021) Functional differences between TSHR alleles associate with variation in spawning season in Atlantic herring. Communications Biology, 4:795.

  5. Sato D.X., N. Rafati, H. Ring, S. Younis, C. Feng, J.A. Blanco-Aguiar, C.-J. Rubin, R. Villafuerte, F. Hallböök, M. Carneiro, L. Andersson (2020) Brain transcriptomics of wild and domestic rabbits suggests that changes in dopamine signaling and ciliary function contributed to evolution of tameness. Genome Biology and Evolution, 12(10):1918–1928.
    [Press Release: English/Japanese] [News Outlets : Mirage News, FUTURITY, 日本経済新聞, 大学ジャーナル]

  6. Ikemoto A., D.X. Sato, T. Makino, M. Kawata (2020) Genetic factors for short life span associated with evolution of the loss of flight ability. Ecology and Evolution, 10:6020–6029.
    [News Outlets : FIGHT AGING!]

  7. Sato D.X., Y. Ishii, T. Nagai, K. Ohashi, M. Kawata (2019) Human-specific mutations in VMAT1 confer functional changes and multi-directional evolution in the regulation of monoamine circuits. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19:220.
    [Press Release: English/Japanese] [Brief summary of content: 内容解説] [News Outlets : 科学新聞, ヘルスデーニュース, ナゾロジー, EurekAlert! (English), PHYSORG, Science Daily, Bioengineer, Asia Research News, Neuroscience News Updates, Labonline]

  8. Sato D.X. and M. Kawata (2018) Positive and balancing selection on SLC18A1 gene associated with psychiatric disorders and human-unique personality traits. Evolution Letters, 2(5):499–510.
    Featured in Editor's Blog, Editor's Choice in Science 362(6410), pp.42, Top downloaded paper 2017-2018, 2018-2019
    [Press Release: English/Japanese] [Brief summary of content: Editors' blog, Laborify, academist] [News outlets: Science, Technology Networks, Science Daily, Medical Xpress, Neuroscience News, MONOist, 大学ジャーナル, 医療NEWS QlifePro, EurekAlert! (English), かずさDNA研究所 NEWS LETTER 65号]

: equally contributed
*: corresponding author

Peer-reviewed papers in Japanese journals

  1. 松田一流, 荒井幸代, 佐藤大気, 高橋佑磨 (2022) ショウジョウバエの行動解析における逆強化学習の適用可能性. 人工知能学会全国大会論文集

Other articles

  1. 佐藤大気, 河田雅圭 (2024) 個性の進化. 生体の科学2024年2月号 特集 脳と個性
  2. 佐藤光彦, 佐藤大気,本宮万愛 (2022) 変動環境における研究者の行動変容.(日本進化学会 教育啓発賞受賞記) 日本進化学会ニュースvol.23 No.1
  3. 佐藤大気 (2021) シンポジウム参加記. 日本進化学会ニュースvol.22 No.3
  4. 井上(上野)由紀子, 早瀬ヨネ子, 星野幹雄, 佐藤大気, 河田雅圭, 佐久間哲史, 山本卓, 井上高良 (2021) ヒト化マウスを用いて脳神経系の多様性を読み解く. 月間細胞6月号
  5. 佐藤大気 (2019) 精神疾患を生み出す遺伝子とその進化. Laborify
  6. 佐藤大気, 河田雅圭 (2018) 精神疾患関連遺伝子から探る、人のこころの進化. academist Journal
  7. 佐藤大気 (2018) シンポジウム参加記. 日本進化学会ニュースvol.19 No.3

Book chapters

  1. 河田雅圭, 佐藤大気 (2021) 個性学入門 ―個性創発の科学― 第9章 個性の進化. 朝倉書店, Amazon